Normally I use this space to talk about issues related to McHenry County. However, I’m stepping outside that role to speak about an issue that is important to all of us.
A new GI Bill is before Congress. This bill will provide a much greater range of benefits for the men and women serving in the military. While this GI Bill falls short of the one our veterans received when they returned from World War II, it is far better than they are currently receiving.
I believe we, as a people, owe our returning veterans a debt of honor that can never be fully repaid. This bill makes an important start on repaying that debt.
I urge all of you to go to GI Bill 2008 and learn about the new GI Bill 2008. I hope you will all find it in your heart to add your name in support of this bill and to contact your representative in congress and urge him / her to add their name as sponsors to HR.5740.